A Short History of Woodland Presbyterian Church
On the first Sunday of October 1966, about forty people met for worship in the Fireside Room of the Woodland YMCA building, thus starting a faith journey that became today’s Woodland Presbyterian Church (WPC). In December 1968, WPC was officially charted by the Presbyterian Synod of the Pacific.
At first, the church was a nomad church, worshiping in the YMCA and later at St. Luke’s Episcopal parish hall. In 1976, WPC organized a non-profit corporation, Motivators of Sensible Environmental Selection (MOSES), to purchase property and develop a church site. In 1978 MOSES purchased 23.5 acres along County Road 98. In 1983, MOSES sold 20.5 acres to a developer, retaining three acres as a church site. In 1984, an architect and construction company were retained to build the church. Groundbreaking for the new church facility occurred in 1985 and on September 14, 1986 a special worship service was held to dedicate the new church facility.
The picture at the top left is an artist’s rendering of the church to be built. The photo on the top right is a picture of the WPC congregation from October 1987.